Tue, 20 August 2019
Other Possible Titles: Twisting the Knife, Grab the Parmagiana by the Tail, The Vasectomy Obsession, Nicotine Dreams. References: Vince Colosimo, Rutger Hauer, Dr Snip, Paul Barry, Paul Eddington Bought to you by our inaugural sponsor Young Henrys. (For once an actual sponsor, not one we just made up) Best correspondence/user generated content on the next episode wins a slab of Young Henrys.) Follow us on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter Or Donate and we'll send you a bunch of stickers and say nice stuff about you on the next episode.
Tue, 6 August 2019
Other possible titles: Tipping into Irrelevance, On the edge of the youth zeitgeist, Pumping It up and Mucking Around, The Puppet and the Master, Rated X and It Takes a Village to Raise a Podcast Outdated references in this episode: Pearl Jam, Tony Martin and Alex Dimitriades in Wildside, Geppetto, Corey Worthington (Bernardi), The Comedy Company. Links Donate (To become a part of the wider community) Facebook (To join the conversation) Instagram (To see a raft of images which are tenuously connected to the podcast) Twitter (To abuse, troll, and send death threats to us)