Sun, 13 December 2020
Other possible titles: A Day in the Chair, Voyage to the Deep Suburbs, The Cash Converters Incident, and The Wild Turkey Special. Proudly bought to you by two new sponsors: Chuckamungas Bar and Grill Greensborough and South East Asian Hammer Pants PTY LTD. Hopefully our greatest hits album will be by early next week. In the meantime... Donate to the Sweetest Plum and get a Plum stubby holder
Direct download: 192_-_The_Man_with_the_Golden_Pants.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:07pm AEDT |
Sun, 15 November 2020
Discussed: Chairman Dan, Daniel Riccardo's Eyeball Camera, Dec's very dubious ARIA nomination and Van Morrison's even more dubious musical protest against Lockdowns. Also, Nick gives us his 2020 Trade Radio review featuring, Matt Rendell, Brendon Goddard, Stephen "Philosophical Sos" Silvagni, Damian Barrett and Kane Cornes. Donate (and we'll send you a stubby holder) Or troll us on social media...
Direct download: 191_-_Master_-_No_More_Lockdown__-_15_11_20_8.58_pm.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:12pm AEDT |
Thu, 22 October 2020
Nick calls for an emergency podcast to vent his rage at Dyson bagless Vacuum cleaners. Dec meets some lovable locals at a Diggers Rest petrol station. And Eddie McGuire celebrates his honourary citizenship of Queensland with his 19 year old son at classy Gold Coast nightclub the Pink Flamingo. Donate for a free stubby holder Or troll us on social media...
Thu, 1 October 2020
End times are upon us and The rapture is imminent (according to gary Ablett, so we get to the bottom of What's really going on and who's behind it. Plus Pat Cash, Henri Leconte, Daniel Andrews and an anecdote Dec has surely already told before Proudly brought to you by the "Old Age Pensioner Franking Credits Bonus Bet" on your TAB app. (*Only available on select greyhound races) Donate and get a stubby holder
Direct download: 189_-_Whats_really_going_on_and_whos_behind_it_all.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:02am AEDT |
Fri, 18 September 2020
Declan's Grandma's strict dinner rules, Leigh Matthews' comedy career, Bec Judd's new career in aged care, and Con the Fruiterer's foray into fine wine. Bought to you by our new sponsor Bec Judd's Forever Home for old people. Donate and get a stubby holder
Thu, 3 September 2020
Possible other titles: The Power of Being Present, The Etymology of Railroading, The Raw Power of the Jet Ski, Coming Face to Face with God and Hmmmm? Discussed Pat Cash, Shane Warne, Leigh Matthews, and Dennis Hopper. Instagram (For erotic photos of NBL basketballers in the 1990s) |
Sun, 23 August 2020
A short podcast recorded just before stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne. Why the AFL grand final should be played in International Waters, why Nick is better than everyone else, and why your seafood goo should always be toasted. Thanks to our new sponsors... "Chicken, Seafood, and Dumpster" - Free document disposal with every quarter chicken and chips. "The Funny Bastard Hotel" still operating 7 days a week during stage four restrictions. No face mask required. Follow us on Facebook
Direct download: 186_-_Would_You_Like_Goo_With_That_.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:02pm AEDT |
Thu, 23 July 2020
A two deleted episodes, we finally managed to record a whole episode. Other Possible titles: Ghost in the Machine, A Full Interactive Multimedia Experience, A cap based Monologue, Release the Cute Little Piggy.
Tue, 9 June 2020
It's too painful to write down. Have a listen and hear two broken men try to explain/excuse/console themselves. With a bonus comedy sketch from deep in the previous employer archives because we felt bad. |
Thu, 14 May 2020
Dec's Osteopath to the Stars, The Return of Trade Wins Radio, and we ask the big question, should you roll it forward? And somehow we make it through a whole episode without once mentioning Joe Hildebrand. #livephoner #rollitforward Donate and get a big boy stubby holder
Sun, 3 May 2020
Other Possible Titles: A Shane Jacobson Sidebar, Shane Jacobson's Contractually Obligated Caravan, Have your A**e Cake and eat it, On the front lines and loving it, The Greatest Hits of Harry Laconic Jnr and Zoom Zoom Zoom Let's go back to my room. Starring: Joe Hildebrand, Shane Jacobson, An Unnamed Former TV Star, Scrooge, Harry Connick Jnr and Craigie. Donate to stop the brand going dark Follow Us for #constantcontent
Direct download: 183_-_Hildebrand_Rant_Viral_Response_Isopod.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:58pm AEDT |
Sun, 26 April 2020
Welcome to the quarantine lockdown iso-f##kfest! In this episode we'll find out Why Chris and Bec Judd keep locking their tradies in Optus Oval, Why Declan struggles to do dinner at the table, and what happens to Nick's brain after watching way too many hours of Joe Hildebrand on Studio Ten. Donate to keep the brand shining bright
Sat, 18 April 2020
Our first podcast since the ten year anniversary, recorded live from isolation. We record in two different houses and don't totally stuff it up. Cultural references: Jimmy Page, Bec Judd, Pro Hart, Campbell's Cash and Carry, Delilah, Paul Kelly (not the good one).
Direct download: 181_-_The_Fat_Jimmy_Page_Stage_of_Parenting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:24pm AEDT |
Sun, 29 March 2020
Live from the Rochester Hotel, it's our ten year anniversary show, recorded just before everyone went into lockdown. Features poetic tributes, all year round trade radio, Nick's TV pitches, and a conclusion to the Scott Fisher Arc. Thanks to everyone who has listened over the last ten years. A Boom Boom Pow
Mon, 9 March 2020
Other possible titles for this episode: Airborne Chilean Beans, Sucking on the Bus Stop Hole, Fisto in the Shoulder, Ready or Not, Aromatic Advertising, The Miseducation of Declan's Osteopath. Outdated references: He-Man, Moss-Man, Fisto, The Fugees, Alcopops, Margaret Court. Plus we talk a lot about what might happen for ten year gig/Episode 180/Friday the 13th March. Grab tickets here.
Wed, 4 March 2020
In another brand new podcast rebrand, Nick shows you why he's smart, and why he knows business. Also... Buy tickets to our ten year anniversary gig on Friday March 13 at the Rochester Hotel.
Thu, 6 February 2020
As voted by our audience, our brand new podcast, "Flummoxed By Joy" Outdated references: Shane Jacobsen, Scott Fisher, Bruce Bolden, Baker Street, Man O Man, Jason Dunstall, Blue Murder, Richard Roxburgh, Tony Martin, Pat Cash.
Fri, 17 January 2020
Discussed: Maurie Fields, Shane Bourne, The Great Aussie Joke, Chris Anstey, A Shirtless Scotty Fisher, Michael Jordan, Robot Vacuums, James Packer, Declan's Drunk Irish Relatives. And Vote Now for your favourite new Sweetest Plum Podcast: Why do they say that? You idiom; Flummoxed by Joy; The Lark and The Laugh; I'm Smart, I know Business; Packers to the Rafters; Have a Crackronym; Too Much Joy, Too early. Or feel free to invent your own one that we've forgotten. Vote on social media with #plumpodcastempire Or follow us on Instagram for moderately offensive photoshops of Nick's head on nude statues.
Direct download: 176_-_This_Guy_and_The_Bloody_Mongrel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:39am AEDT |